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Auto Accidents And Pre-Existing Conditions: What You Need To Know

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If you are involved in an auto accident that exasperates a pre-existing condition you have, you may have many questions. A pre-existing condition is a condition or injury that you already have, such as a bad back or neck injury. Here are three questions frequently asked by people who find themselves in a situation similar to yours. What Am I Entitled to If I File a Personal Injury Claim for a Pre-Existing Condition?…

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What Could Potential Changes To Florida's Dog Bite Laws Mean For You?

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If you’re a dog owner in Florida, you may already be aware of your state’s relatively draconian laws governing injuries caused by dogs. While some states have a “one bite” rule that essentially eliminates liability for a bite from a dog never known to be aggressive, Florida courts can order the euthanasia of a dog for a single injury – even one deemed to have been provoked. The constitutionality of this law is now being challenged in state court.…

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High-Risk Pregnancy And Auto Accidents: Who's At-Fault For Your Premature Delivery?

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If your high-risk pregnancy ended with the early delivery of your baby because of a devastating auto accident, contact a personal injury attorney now. Although you qualify for compensation and medical care, the other driver’s insurance company may deny your benefits, because it thinks your decision to drive during your high-risk pregnancy led to your baby’s premature birth. However, a personal injury lawyer can prove otherwise. Here are two critical things in your case that help an accident attorney win your case.…

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Red Light Means Stop - Not Speed Up

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In 2008, approximately 165,000 people were injured, and more than 760 were killed in accidents that could be directly contributed to someone running a red light. This number is included in the approximately 2.3 million reported accidents reported at intersections, which may or may not have had a direct cause. Unfortunately, half of the people who were killed were not the ones running the light, but were innocent motorist, bicyclist and pedestrians who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.…

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Does A Child Sport's Waiver Form Relinquish You Of Your Right To Sue?

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When your child asked to join a sport, he or she probably provided you with a waiver form you had to sign. The organization offering the sport created the form and required you to sign it in order for your child to play the game. If your child ended up injured while participating in the sport, does this waiver relinquish your rights to sue? This question can best be answered by a personal injury attorney, and it will depend on several different factors.…

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Protect Your Trucking Company With A Substance Abuse Policy

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Driving under the influence is a serious offense, and truckers who are in an accident while high or intoxicated are usually held responsible for any damage or injuries that result from the accident. They may not be the only ones held responsible for the accident, though. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) also places responsibility on trucking companies. If you operate a trucking company, you need to protect your business with a substance abuse policy written by a truck accident attorney.…

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Dog Bite Victim? Strengthen Your Personal Injury Case With These Techniques

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On average, about 1,000 people end up in the emergency room due to being bitten by a dog on a daily basis. If you are in this predicament you deserve to be compensated for your pain and suffering, loss of income from work, and the bills that get racked up throughout your recovery. An experienced lawyer should be able to negotiate a fair deal without any extensive court dates to attend – here are a few things you can do to strengthen your case and support your lawyer’s efforts:  …

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3 Tips For Dealing With An Auto Insurance Adjuster

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Being involved in a car or motorcycle accident is a highly stressful time. With medical bills to pay for and a potential loss of earnings, dealing with an insurance company can be overwhelming for many people. If you plan on defending yourself against your insurer, there are a few things to remember when dealing directly with an adjuster: Don’t Allow the Adjuster to Dominate Auto insurance adjusters can be particularly tricky people to deal with.…

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2 Questions To Ask Yourself When Determining Whether You Need A Worker's Compensation Attorney

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If you were recently hurt at work, you may be wondering if you need to hire a lawyer to help you with your worker’s compensation claim. Ask yourself the following two questions to give you a clearer picture of your situation and to help you make a decision. How Severe Are Your Injuries? The extent of help you are going to need depends a lot on the severity of your injuries.…

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4 Reasons Your Disability Claim Might Be Denied

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Applying for social security disability can be a big help in many areas. It can relieve a lot of stress placed on you and can even lift a huge financial burden that may have been resting on your shoulders. However, be aware that there are plenty of reasons that your claim could be denied.   Your Disability Isn’t Chronic   In order for your disability claim to be accepted as a resolute and adequate claim by the office of social security, your disability must necessarily be chronic.…

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