In many states, using your cell phone while you are driving is illegal. Talking on your phone, texting, looking up directions, or playing Pokemon Go can all lead to you being held liable for an accident, even if the other driver’s negligence or outside road conditions also contributed to the accident. If you were using your phone while you were driving and were involved in an accident, it is important that you follow these tips to avoid unnecessarily claiming liability for the accident.…
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If you are ever in an accident involving a truck or other commercial vehicle, what you do immediately and in the weeks following the accident can significantly impact your case. There are ways you can avoid comprising your case if you are not at fault.
Seek Immediate Medical Care
For various reasons, drivers may not seek immediate medical care after a minor accident. They may be eager to reach their destination or they may be concerned about the cost of seeking medical treatment.…
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Root canals are fairly routine procedures that can save teeth from being completely destroyed by disease or trauma. Although this procedure has between an 85 to 97 percent success rate, complications can occur that may cause trouble for your oral and system health over time. One common thing that occurs is that sometimes part of the instrument used to clean out the tooth breaks off and gets stuck in the jaw.…
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